An Undivided Heart...

Maybe you can look at me and see the chasm.  Maybe that brokenness is evident.  Maybe you can see the scar.

Maybe you recently met me, and you found it hard to believe that this fledgling woman has already lived an entire life... and she's still just getting started.

Maybe you had been walking with me before The Great Divide, and I left you on the other side.  Rest assured, I will come back for you.

I believe that the Lord can change a person right where they are.  I believe He does.
But I also believe sometimes He does something radical.  Sometimes He does something unbelievable.  Sometimes He makes something so new... something so wholly different... something unrecognizable.  Just.because.He.can.  Just because He heard the cry of people you had never even met that were praying for you... and neither of you even knew it. 

I imagine that from the outside looking in... it would be easy to misunderstand it... easy to miss it...

Oh, but from the inside looking out.

It's easy to wish sometimes that the other life carried a different name.  That someone else could be associated with all that was so that I could fully enjoy all that is.  It's easy to wish that I didn't know any of the same people.  It's easy to wish that this new person had a whole new place... that she didn't have to carry on her new life in the consequences left from her old one.  It's easy to wish that. 
But if you don’t see that gap… between who I was and who I am… between what I did and what He did for me… between death and life… He gains nothing in me.   

He didn’t come to bring peace, but division.  The Word became flesh.  The Word that penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow.  The Word became flesh to divide.  To divide in me the death from the life.  To divide who I am from who He is in me. 

To divide so that one day the flesh and the death and the consequence will fall away and I can with total joy and abandon present Him an undivided heart.

Maybe you can see the brokenness.  Maybe you can see the chasm. Maybe you can see the scar.  That’s OK.  If there wasn’t a broken place there would be no fulfillment.  If there was no chasm, He would have nothing to bridge.  If there was no scar, there is no evidence of healing.

There’s not anything in me that deserves anything that He’s done.  But everything in me cries out to know more of the One who can do these things. 

Believe when I tell you that these gifts are not for me.  He has done these things in me for you... so that those with eyes to see will long for Him, too.

"I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.  I will be found by you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back from captivity."

He's waiting. 


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