
Showing posts from March, 2013

Mawwiage is what bwings us togedder today...

I don't know much about marriage.  Truer words were never written.  In fact, a lot of people will tell you that I don't know much about life at all.  I'm only 26.0274 of the way into this gig.  You'll have to forgive my ignorance.  (No, really.  You have to.  Jesus said.) I promised myself I would wait an entire year before I wrote anything about being a wife.  (Clearly, my promises count for a lot.)  But last night we had our umpteenth thousand fight, and I knew that before I could blog about anything else, I had to blog about this.  (God loves me a lot, that He would allow me to share these things with you.) Before we can continue, let me set up the framework.  My dear husband is a nerd.  Before he took Financial Peace University a few years ago, that might have hurt his feelings.  But Dave Ramsey is the LAW in our house, and if Dave Ramsey says that Thomas is a nerd, then Thomas is proud to be a nerd.  I lo...