It’s a Hard Love...
So my pastor does this thing where he likes to preach on really convicting subjects. Today it was, “Jesus loves you.” To be clear, to someone like me there is nothing more difficult to hear. “Jesus loves you.” I’m that person in the back of the room going, “Nope. La la la la la. Can’t hear you.” Before you sit me down and let me know that this response is cray cray, let me assure you: I’m well aware. In fact, no one could possibly be more aware of her own shortcomings than this girl on the other side of the screen. No one tells herself more often how little she deserves that love. Because this girl? She knows exactly what she’s done. So while my pastor was doing his preach thing and my poor hubby was wondering why his wife was crying AGAIN, God and I were having a little tête-à-tête. I poured out my heart in my beat up journal, and He poured out His heart in my beat up spirit. Words were had. Gauntlets we...