Give Me One Pure and Holy Passion...

What if the thing you are called to do does not look at all like what you thought it would look like?

From fifth grade my strengths were pretty clear- as were my weaknesses.  I could diagram a sentence about as fast as I could trip over air.  And once I knew what those strengths were, I latched on.  I took great pride in honing my skill in language arts.  I took great pains to hide my awkward clumsiness.  Isn't that what we do?  Isn't that we should do??

Play up the things we do well.  Hide the imperfections.

But where is GOD in that??

How can God be glorified in my weakness if I HIDE it?  How can He shine through if my PRIDE blocks out His light?

What if the thing you are called to do does not look at all like what you thought it would look like?

I thought I would write best selling novels.  I thought I would teach packed rooms how to twist a phrase into a new creation.  I thought.  I knew.  What my calling was.

Turns out God still has some surprises up His sleeve.

(Does God have sleeves?)

And what is this dramatic calling that He has pressed onto my heart in such a way that I have been pulled out of my sleep with need to obey and sobbed on my closet floor wondering how I will ever live up to His call?

Pray continually.

See?  He even knew I needed the idiot-proof instructions!  He is a generous God!

Not in packed rooms of people vying to hear my voice.  Not in the mark of literature that will yellow and disintegrate but never die.

On my face on my closet floor where no one will see me.  Where my pride cannot grow.  Where His strength is perfect in my weakness.

What if the thing you are called to do does not look at all like what you thought it would look like?


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