The art of being hole-ier than thou...

I have that heavy heart feeling.
     You know the one I mean?

The one that feels like someone kicked a hole in you... and the pieces of what's left are settling on the floor.

It's been one of those days... Mama said they were coming.

The dark kind.

The kind that leaves a cold ache. 

And a need for something to fill that hole right back up.

So I turned to those things.

You know... those things.

First, I went shopping.  I wandered.  I tried on.  I wandered.  I tried on.  There was a new find every other aisle!  It was a great trip.

Then, the chocolate.  Chocolate chip cookies for dinner!  Oh boy!  (When the hubby is away it's anything goes!)  Yummy.

Last, I went for the TV.  If I bury myself in my favorite drama series, nothing about my life can possibly be that badRight?

Except here I am.

With a hole.

Feeling like you're full of holes?  Join me in the Word tonight.

Music for Life: Fill My Cup, Lord


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