Come to the Water...
Have you ever been around one of those people? You know the ones I mean.
The peaceful ones.
The holy ones.
The ones who reek of Jesus.
The ones who are so close to the Lord that your sins bubble to the surface just by being around them.
The ones who can tell what's going on inside... just by looking at you.
The ones who bring you to a place of confession before you see them because you know what will happen if you don't.
I am not one of those people. I'm one of the other ones. I am the one crying in my car because someone called me for prayer and how can I pray over her knowing what else came out of my mouth today?
Here I am again. Wearing my heart condition on my sleeve.
A great pastor spoke this week to remind a church packed full of young people who are intent on knowing Him that repentance is not just wiping the slate and asking God to change your heart. It is more than just turning away. It's more than a one time prayer and a continuance of all that we've done before.
Repentance is begging God to change your mind. To transform and renew so that you never look at
I need a little more separation anxiety in my life. A little more hatred of the space between You and I. A little less around me so there's room for more of You.
I need a little more water in my mouth to soak the dry ground of my heart. Like You said, Your water is life-changing. It transforms and renews. It changes my mind, so I look less like me and more like You.
Sometimes in order to want the more, I have to see the less. I have to get a good picture of where I am to know where I want to be. I have to see the difference between those people and me... the difference between death and abundant life.
Are you like me? Are you thirsty? Do you need a little more of the life-changing Water? If you're looking for a place to start, may I recommend Isaiah 55? An Invitation to the Thirsty.
And a song to light the way...
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